By Hannah Johnson
50 Years at Frankfurt

Publishing Scotland celebrates 50 years as a Frankfurt Book Fair exhibitor. From left: Lucy Feather, Membership Services Manager; Marion Sinclair, Chief Executive. Image: Frankfurter Buchmesse, Dorothea Grimberg
25 Years at Frankfurt

The Publishers Association of New Zealand/Te Rau o Tākupu celebrates 25 years as a Frankfurt Book Fair exhibitor. Image: Frankfurter Buchmesse / Hanife Içten

Worth Press, celebrates 25 years as a Frankfurt Book Fair exhibitor. Pictured here is Annie Olivier, Publishing Director. Image: Frankfurter Buchmesse, Dorothea Grimberg

Worth Press celebrates 25 years as a Frankfurt Book Fair exhibitor. Pictured here is Rupert Webb, Managing Director. Image: Frankfurter Buchmesse, Dorothea Grimberg

Anno Domini celebrates 25 years as a Frankfurt Book Fair exhibitor. From left: Annette Reynolds, Publishing Director; Andrew Wormleighton, Director. Image: Frankfurter Buchmesse, Dorothea Grimberg

Text Publishing celebrates 25 years at an exhibitor at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Pictured here is Michael Heyward, Publisher. Image: Frankfurter Buchmesse, Dorothea Grimberg
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