
China Bestsellers June: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Serials

Both in fiction and nonfiction, the Chinese charts in June reflected the readership’s deepening interest in national culture and history. College entrance exam time in Jiaozuo in China’s Henan province, June 7. Image – Getty iStockphoto: Zhu Xiaobin By Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief | @Porter_Anderson Japan’s Keigo Higashino Holds Three Spots One of the things that

China Bestsellers in July: Etiquette and Education

With summer school titles driving contemporary classics sales, China’s July charts were busy with a robust interest in etiquette. ‘The Giant Egg,’ as some call Beijing’s National Center for the Performing Arts, on a July evening. Image – Getty iStockphoto: Mirko Kuzmanovic By Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief | @Porter_Anderson See also: China Bestsellers in January: A

China Bestsellers in August: Relationships and André Gide

As contemporary classics return to the Top 30, China’s bestsellers in August have included a new challenge from relationship-driven fiction. On Sanduo Lu Street in Guangxi Province’s Guilin in August. Image – Getty iStockphoto: Pawopa By Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief | @Porter_Anderson ‘A True Understanding of Life’ August in mainland China’s readership trends proved to be—at

Tour, Audio Forum, and Bestseller Awards

Those busy Bologna Book Fair(s) rolled out a trio of announcements at Frankfurt Book Fair, ahead of the April show in Italy. A view of the Bologna ‘Grand Tour’ exhibition at Frankfurter Buchmesse 2023. Image: BCBF By Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief | @Porter_Anderson Three Fairs, Three Announcements Amid the October intensity and energy of Frankfurter Buchmesse

China Bestsellers September: Author-Buddies Yu and Mo

Old friends: Ten of the books on China’s September Top 30 in fiction had each been on the list more than 20 times in the past. A September afternoon in Tianjin Water Park, a 72-year-old recreational park project in the coastal northern Chinese city. Image – Getty iStockphoto: Wirestock By Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief | @Porter_Anderson

Film Powers a 35-Year-Old Book

The hit author Yu Hua reached seven spots on China’s fiction charts thanks to a 1988 novel’s new film adaptation and its star. Early snowfall at Changchun’s Huanglong Royal Park in northeastern China’s Jilin province. The park was built during the Manchukuo period, in 1933. Image – Getty iStockphoto: Dandelion By Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief |

Germany’s Buchreport Publication Closed in Harenberg Bankruptcy

The 53-year-old Buchreport, one of the market’s trio of trade publications, was best known for its Der Speigel bestseller lists. An article from the December 22, 2023, edition of Buchreport. Image: Buchreport By Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief | @Porter_AndersonSee also today: Germany’s Book Market: A ‘Mixed Performance’ in 2023 ‘Maybe You Will Miss One or Two

‘Three-Body’ News and November’s Sales

Our exclusive November bestseller lists in China saw boosts from ‘Double 11’ sales and a new interest in traditional Chinese medicine. A still from a scene involving scientific debate and generational distance, from ‘Three-Body,’ the Chinese television series adaptation of Liu Cixin’s ‘Remembrance of Earth Past,’ season 1, now streaming on Amazon Prime. Image: Tencent

China Bestsellers December: Legal-Issues Nonfiction

Normally slow-moving, bestseller charts in China highlighted nonfiction on legal issues in December. In Shanghai, a storefront packed with Western Christmas holiday-style decor. China’s Spring Festival starts this year on the Lunar New Year, February 10. Image – Getty iStockphoto: Ninel Roshchina By Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief | @Porter_Anderson Legal Perspectives and Policy Strategies The bestseller

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