Heartwood Publishing Moves to BookSource

Formerly distributed by Grantham, the British travel-products publisher Heartwood moves distribution to Scotland-based BookSource.

At the BookSource warehouse facility in Cambuslang, near Glasgow. Image: BookSource

By Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief | @Porter_Anderson

‘A Strong Impression’

As you may remember, the distributor BookSource was founded in 1995 by Publishing Scotland—we’ll have a bit more soon about Publishing Scotland’s 50th anniversary—to provide distribution services to help independent Scottish publishers. Since its founding, BookSource has expanded its services and recently announced that it will begin distributing the travel publisher Heartwood Publishing on October 1.

Heartwood’s key products include PopOut Maps; Marco Polo Travel Guides; and services to other travel publishers. Prior to its coming distribution by BookSource, its distribution was handled by Grantham Book Services, the Penguin Random House UK company.

Publishing Perspectives readers will recall that Grantham is the facility in England that had been slated for closure, but in February was saved when Penguin Random House worldwide CEO Nihar Malaviya and Penguin Random House UK chief Tom Weldon announced that it would become a new PRH operational center for fulfilling Penguin Random House US orders for customers in continental Europe.

‘To Help Publishers Do Business’

Andy Riddle

In the announcement that Heartwood, based in Bath, is moving its distribution to BookSource, Andy Riddle, managing director of Heartwood is quoted, saying, “The approachable team at BookSource left a strong impression, and I know that they and Grantham will work together to ensure a seamless transition.

“The directors’ passion, enthusiasm, and expertise in book distribution at BookSource made the decision process straightforward. I know our list is in safe hands.

“I want to thank the team at Grantham for their care over the years and wish them the best for the future.”

Davinder Bedi

Davinder Bedi, managing director of BookSource, says, “I’m delighted to welcome the Heartwood team to the BookSource family, and I look forward to strengthening our relationship further.

“Moving distributors is not an easy decision for any publisher, however, I am delighted that we’ve demonstrated that the BookSource team is focused on delivering an unrivalled distribution service.

“Our mission has always been to help publishers do business, and we’ll continue to do that.”

For companies engaged: All orders should continue to be sent to Grantham Book Services up to, and including Monday, September 30.

Starting on October 1, all orders should be sent directly to BookSource at customerservice@booksource.net, by calling 0141 642 9192, or via Pubeasy. Further details can be found at booksource.net/heartwood.

Authorized returns of orders placed prior to the last invoicing date at Grantham that require processing by December 30, should be returned and received by Grantham no later than December 13. Beyond that date no returns will be processed at Grantham. Customers should make payments for accounts due to the originating distributor.

More from Publishing Perspectives on book distribution is here, more on Publishing Scotland is here, more on the UK market is here.

About the Author

Porter Anderson

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Porter Anderson has been named International Trade Press Journalist of the Year in London Book Fair’s International Excellence Awards. He is Editor-in-Chief of Publishing Perspectives. He formerly was Associate Editor for The FutureBook at London’s The Bookseller. Anderson was for more than a decade a senior producer and anchor with CNN.com, CNN International, and CNN USA. As an arts critic (Fellow, National Critics Institute), he was with The Village Voice, the Dallas Times Herald, and the Tampa Tribune, now the Tampa Bay Times. He co-founded The Hot Sheet, a newsletter for authors, which now is owned and operated by Jane Friedman.

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